SV Beach House

Ship’s Log: Replacing our broken mast luff track…..

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Dear F&F,

Scott was back up the mast again this morning. We had a twist in the main
halyard. He had to clip on to the top of the mast & send the halyard down to
me to untwist and get the kinks out, then we pulled it back up again to see
if it was fixed. It took 3 trips up & down to get it fully straightened out.
Hopefully that is something that won’t have to be done again. While there,
Scott and I began to replace our “luff track” that broke on the crossing
from the Galapagos to the Marquesas. We sailed most of the way with a reef
(shortened) main sail due to the break. Leisure Furl gave us a new aluminum
track (we paid the shipping…NOT CHEAP) and coached us through the repair.
It took the two of us parts of 5 days, but with Peter Hobson’s help
(Leisure Furl in Orange County, California via email and Skype internet
telephone), we managed to get it done!

Our neighbor boat at the dock went out fishing & gave us some freshly caught
marlin. He recommended poisson cru (is your stomach hurting yet?) I want to
try making it because I never have. I need to go buy some limes. I’ve never
eaten marlin in any form, but Scott took it from the guy & he is generally
the one not thrilled about fish, so I am going to do my darndest to find
ways to fix it so it so we enjoy it. I haven’t checked, but I think it is a
filet. If not, I’ll just cut around the bones.

Cindy & Scott