SV Beach House

Ship’s Log: Catalina Harbor Santa Ana Event ………

Friday, October 12, 2007

Dear F&F,
We left Big Geiger Cove on Saturday night, October 20th at 7pm after a great
day of fun, hikes and dinner. Mike and Beth left to return to Redondo Beach
at the same time. They got a good welcome home with a 33 knot
Northerly . We had little wind going around to the South side of Catalina
to prepare for the Santa Ana wind event, but the trip was very rough and
bumpy as the left over swell from the NW Gale was still dying off. 2 1/2
hours later we were snug in “Cat Harbor” on the South side, with doubled up
bridles facing the expected wind. That night was calm, but Sunday to Monday
night….it blew. 20-30 knots (25-35 mph) with occasional gusts to
35knots. The boat was covered in dirt and ash from the fires 35 miles away
on shore. The sky was a smoky color all day and night and we could actually
smell the smoke from the shore. We watched with the same concern (on the
internet) as many of you had about friends and family ashore and their homes
in harms way. We were glad to hear all of you “weathered” the event as well.

On Monday morning we got the “good bye gust” at 42 knots (about 50 mph).
Monday night things got calmer and by Tuesday morning, it seemed to be all
over. We have relocated to “Little Harbor” enroute to Avalon Harbor where
we will head (probably) tomorrow. Here at Little Harbor, its 86 degrees and
no wind. We are anchored Bow and Stern behind the reef. We seem to have
good internet and have posted some photos, (yet a bit disorganized) about
our Ventura Harbor Boat Projects in the “Gallery”. You will see these under
“Boat Projects” and its sub-catagory. We have some great stories to write
about, including another close encounter with the Catalina Island Buffalo.
More stories and photos soon.
S&C……Little Harbor, Catalina Island, California