SV Beach House

Ship’s Log: San Diego (Part 1)………..

Thursday, November 29, 2007

November 9

We motored the 45 miles or so from Oceanside to San Diego in flat, calm,
gray conditions. We motored by the San Onofre Nuclear Powerplant and
through the Camp Pendleton Marine Base training area. We saw this
incredible alien-looking craft approaching us and Scott decided to turn
behind it, as it was moving toward the beach at about 50 mile/hour. The
Marine hovercraft makes an impressive site. See the photo gallery.

We did not know in advance where we would end up and had heard it was
unlikely to find a slip, especially since Beach House requires an end tie
due to our extra wide beam. We checked in with the Harbor Master and were
discouraged to hear the only available moorings were off the beaten path
clear out in Glorietta Bay. We radioed San Diego Yacht Club and were
thrilled that they could accommodate us for two nights at their guest dock.
Cindy wasted no time jumping into their perfectly heated pool and luxuriated
in their shower afterwards. The Friday night party on the deck next to us
only added to our celebratory mood at arriving in San Diego.

November 10

It felt like a coming home party to see buddy Ty Hokanson the next morning.
He and Cindy caught up on the drive back to Newport Beach to retrieve our
car. Skye met Cindy at Fashion Island Mall with the delivery of mail & the
girls enjoyed a day of shopping & dinner.

November 11

One day a year the tall ships of San Diego go out for a sail. The “Star of
India” and the tall ship from the movie “Master & Commander’, HMS Surprise
are docked as museums in San Diego. They had set sail for their fund
raiser. How lucky were we to be out on the water with them. “Linx” and
“Californian” were the other two tall ships (as the old time sailing craft
are known as) out for the sail. See the Photo Gallery.

After that thrilling encounter, we made our way past the Navy ships and
aircraft carriers to Knight & Carver boatyard. Ty had parked his car at the
shipyard so he could drive home after helping us move our boat. It’s an odd
setup, but train tracks run right through the yard. At night when the boat
yard is closed, trains pull in and load up hundreds of new cars that are
brought in by ship. In the process of loading one train car at a time, the
train moves several feet, stops for an unknown period of time, then moves
again. Sometimes backwards, sometimes forward. You can’t guess which
direction or when it is going to move so there is no safe way to jump
between the railroad cars. Since Ty’s car was on the opposite side of the
train we just had to wait. We had dinner and were amused by this unique

November 12
Boats are meant to be in the water. That’s why it is always a bit unnerving
to haul out. We have had Beach House out of the water 5 times in 3 years. It
was nice for us that Ty was working on another boat in the yard and gave a
good report on their workers. Things never go as smoothly or as quickly as
you would like, but in the end, the intended jobs got done. G-10 skirts,
stern anchor holder, wax inside of hulls and the main project, replacement
of our underwater keel coolers for the refrigeration system were all
completed. Robert Van Ness of “Captain Frost”, not only replaced our keel
coolers with the zinc models, but also gave Scott an education on the care &
maintenance of the Frigoboat refrigeration & freezer units. We have been
very happy with this equipment so far, and Cindy prays to the refrigeration
gods to continue blessing us with cold & frozen food throughout the tropics.
Scott being less prone to prayer, stocked up on every possible spare part
and fluid the units require.

Meeting Robert had another unexpected and delightful benefit. He was moving
his own boat, giving up an end tie slip at Marina Cortez. We were thrilled
to rent it and have the convenience of being at a dock instead of a mooring.

November 17

Oscar introduced us to Phil’s BBQ. We enjoyed seeing his Ocean Beach home &
seeing Cosmo again (great Dane mix). The amazing flavors of the chicken &
ribs were topped off by a terrific pumpkin pie baked by the Julian Pie Shop.

November 18

Former dental patients & friends Craig & Cici moved from Marina del Rey to
San Diego a year ago. Their Challenger 50 “Windsway” is moored near the
airport. They were our tour guides to Cabrillo Lighthouse and a walk through
Balboa Park.

November 19, 20, 21

Cindy drove Scott to the Navy base every morning for his Basic Safety
Training class, required to renew his Coast Guard Captains License. This
involved three days of class and some practical lifeboat exercises in their

Ceci & Ty with their respective dogs, took Cindy for a hike at Junipero
Serra Dam.

Shea Weston was on the boat many days over the next few weeks. The various
projects he worked on included chasing electrical gremlins, generator issues
and finally getting our autopilot to not make wild turns while transmitting
on the HAM radio.

We also got our Vacuflush (electric) toilet replaced. The old one was acting
a bit like a bidet when flushed.

THANKSGIVING November 22 – 25

We gave thanks that Skye took the Amtrak down to join us for the long
weekend. While waiting for her delayed train to arrive, we took a tour of
the HMS Surprise that has been turned into a museum. Scott is on his 4th
book in the long seafaring series by Patrick O’Brien.

To celebrate the holiday, we moved our boat back to the San Diego Yacht Club
and enjoyed the buffet they provided. We all enjoyed a tour of the Midway
aircraft carrier the next day. The audio tour was very informative. Skye &
Cindy were happily surprised to enjoy it as much as Scott did.

Saturday night we hosted dinner for our San Diego friends with our new
favorite take-out food, Phil’s BBQ. Ty, Skye, Oscar & Cindy went out dancing
at 2 clubs afterwards. Scott kept the light on.

Skye was happy that cousin Daniel Palay returned from his family visit north
in time to take her to breakfast & back to the train station. We knew we
would see her soon in Los Angeles, so the parting was not too too sad.

Later that day Cindy & Scott enjoyed having the Wilson family onboard.

November 26-27
While Scott attended the Maritime Institute refresher course in order to
pass the Radar exam, Cindy drove to Escondido to meet Linda at her 2nd home.
The ladies enjoyed uninterrupted hours of talking, eating all their favorite
things and took in a day at the Wild Animal Park. Cindy was enchanted by
the baby elephants, prairie dogs and cheetahs.

November 29

We moved the boat back to the end tie dock at Marina Cortez. The yacht club
limits guests to 10 days per year. Plus we were going north and would be off
the boat for 8 days.