SV Beach House

Ship’s Log: Puerto Escondido – Part 2……

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

June 28 – July 15, 2008

There are 2 times I don’t write much for the website: When we are too busy
having fun. And when we are too busy with boat projects. The above stretch
of time was happily spent diving diving diving.

We followed Terry Kennedy everywhere & dove with him almost daily. When we
weren’t diving, washing dive gear or pumping tanks with the compressor for
the next days dive, we were swapping stories, sharing food & cocktails,
watching DVDs and thoroughly enjoying ourselves.

What is so great about the Sea of Cortez is that there are so many islands &
dive sites within a short distance of our “home base” Puerto Escondido. We
didn’t mind the 90+ degree weather every day since we were submerged in 80
degree or colder water for a couple of hours per day. Affectionately termed
“Therapeutic Hypothermia” – the longer we spent in under body temperature
water, the better we tolerated the heat & the more tired we were at night. The
topside terrain is stark: very little vegetation, rocky mountains &
scattered cactus. Underwater there was a great variety & abundance of fish
life, eels, sting rays, lobsters & some hard coral. We were so privileged to
have Terry be our mostly private tour guide of his underwater playground. We
had, as he loved to say: “all the fun we could stand”.

We will be posting more soon….

Scott & Cindy