SV Beach House


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Immigration Gal...

The guy on the right is “Balthazar”, he was our agent. It’s lots easier to just pay up and use the agents in many countries when doing formalities. The Galapagos is no exception. The young lady dutifully stamped us in. Due to Galapagain (pronounced Galap-a-gay-in) rules, we were only allowed to have “Beach House” at one island. All other travel had to be via tourist transport. Read that as “Cha-ching”. We’re here to take your dollars!.. By the way, the dollar IS the currency of the Galapagos. If we had gone through exhaustive pre-arrangements we could have obtained an “autographo” which would have allowed us to take “Beach House” to three islands. Most of the islands are off limits to private boats without a very expensive “live aboard” guide!…

Wreck Bay, San Cristobal Island – Galapagos Islands

May 12, 2009